Uncle is seriously unhappy that his aftershave appears to be evaporating daily, or is it being used by someone else? He confronts Lew, he of the innocent face and sweet smile, and it is clear that the lad is lying and that he is the culprit. Grabbing Lew by the ear the lad is pulled OTK and gets a spanking he wont forget in a hurry. On the jeans until they are down to reveal some tight fitting underwear that gives Lews butt a nice profile. These too have to go and Lews smooth firm ass is spanked well by a very angry Uncle. The look on Lews face is great, a grimace that sort of half smile through gritted teeth. Uncle lays on the final swat and drops the lad to the floor and gives him a stern warning and then leaves the room, lew is laying over the sofa rubbing his sore butt, he cranes his neck to try and see but he does not need to the throbbing is enough to tell him that he has to buy his own aftershave in future.