Craig has spent the morning cleaning the kitchen out and making it look good. Within minutes in come Jacob and starts to cook, slopping food all over the place and leaving his empty plate and cutlery on the table when he has done. Now I have no idea what goes through these boys heads when they do stuff like this, they have to know that it is most unwise and there will be fall out from it. Of course when Craig comes back and sees his hard work all ruined and mess all over the place he is not a happy guy at all. He calls Jacob to the kitchen and goes ballistic at him and bends him over the unit and starts to explain in true top style exactly what tidy means. On the jeans and tight red underwear the swats fall and Jacobs face tells its own story. Craig pauses for a moment and Jacob possibly thinks its all over bar the shouting but boy is he wrong. Craig has paused to grab the griddle and he is soon back in action spanking the mess making brat with it. In the end Jacob has a gloriously red butt and listens to the stern words that Craig gives as he leaves. Cleaning the kitchen with a more than warm butt I wonder if he has learned, brats rarely do.