Sharing an apartment is never easy, you have to be considerate to your flat mates. It is advisable to be extra considerate when the owner of the flat is Cal. But Reiner is not one of those guys, he hogs the shower when Cal wants to get ready to go out. Now Reiner is happy to jerk off and take his time but he is simply storing up trouble for later. Sure enough once he is out Cal pounces on him and gives him a lesson in flat share manners. Reiner has a super little butt for a spanking and it colours up nicely. But OTK is not enough for Cal and to make the point about the shower he rolls up the damp towel and cracks that across the lads ass as well, it has got to sting like hell as anyone knows from locker room towel flicking. One well spanked lad is marched from the room and I wonder if Cal will be on time for his appointment.