Kiran is lazing away the afternoon, and like a lot of lads he keeps a Tshirt on, no boxers, makes you wonder what else he has been up to? Laying there on the bed blissfully chilling, although not all of his is relaxed looking at him. But the point is he should be there, dressed or not, he should be working around the place. This means that when Dimitri comes in and confronts him, knowing what he will find and why he has a paddle with him, the faux surprise Kiran shows carries no weight. Dimitri rolls the lad over and paddles him wide awake. Kiran is rolling round and reaching back to try and cover his stinging butt, but to no avail. Dimitri is never a man to let any lad laze away a day and the paddling he give Kirans shows how he feels about it as well. Kiran bolts for the door at the end and no wonder when he has encountered the wrath of Dimitri.