It’s not often we have the same lad on consecutive Saturdays but this clip really could not wait. Krystof is back for a paddling, his first paddling. He looks apprehensive as he bends over the table and the paddle is ready for him. It’s clear from the start that the paddle is far more than he expected it to be. The pain and regret is written all over his face. The boxers are great and really show him off well and the red glow that is peeping out round the edges says the paddle is working well. But there seems to be another effect happening as well and when his boxers are pulled down, it is what, his hard cock bounces out. Krystof is finding the paddling painful and exciting. He bends over the table and again and the paddling carries on, his semi hard cock resting on the table. By the end of the session, the lad is close to tears, he is really trying to hold them back, but he is still visibly excited by the paddling. There’s more to explore when spanking Krystof, I am sure.