Kiran is too lazy to go outside and smoke, he is also not the brightest of lads as he decides to smoke out of the window in the kitchen. Not only does he chose to smoke out the window but he does it in front of Dimitri. Dimitri points out there is even a no smoking sign on the table, he hates smoking in the house, but the lad protests. A furious Dimitri drags the lad over the table and reaches in to the drawer to get the paddle and grabs the spatula instead. This infuriates him more and he really wallops the lad hard. But both the trousers and spatula have to go and he is back to a hand spanking. When Kiran’s underwear is down, it looks like he likes the rougher harder spanking as his dick is hard. The more Dimitri spanks him, the less control he has and it’s not long before he blows a load under the table. He is so flustered by this that, when he is told to leave the room, he doesn’t even try to pull up his trousers he just does a shuffle at speed from the room, with his still hard dick pointing out the way to go. A smoking hot clip with Kiran.