The first of three pranks by Leon on a very grumpy Ricky, with inevitable results. To start the mini series Leon sneaks up on Ricky in the kitchen and pulls down his boxers and slaps his ass, running away very quickly. A furious Ricky follows him and pins him the bed, he loses his boxers on the way and doesnt stop to get them thats how angry he is. The rough and tumble spanking that follows is something that Leon didnt bank on when he played a prank on Ricky. The struggling makes Ricky take control in the best way he can, by sitting on the naughty lad. Looking at Leons ass colour up from Rickys heavy hand its no wonder the lad is struggling to get away. There are some wonderful angles on these two guys as the punishment is dealt out. But this is just the start of Leons naughty day and in the next clip he goes too far, stay tuned.